Contextual Learning

Learning resources that can be used as a reference for the tasks college education majoring in English.

   Menurut John Elliot bahwa yang dimaksud dengan PTK ialah kajian tentang situasi sosial dengan maksud untuk meningkatkan kualitas tindakan di dalamnya (Elliot, 1982).
   PTK adalah suatu bentuk refleksi diri kolektif yang dilakukan oleh peserta–pesertanya dalam situasi sosial untuk meningkatkan penalaran dan keadilan praktik-praktik itu dan terhadap situasi tempat dilakukan praktik-praktik tersebut (Kemmis dan Taggart, 1988).
   PTK adalah suatu pendekatan untuk memperbaiki pendidikan melalui perubahan, dengan mendorong para guru untuk memikirkan praktik mengajarnya sendiri, agar kritis terhadap praktik tersebut dan agar mau utuk mengubahnya. (Siswojo Harjodipuro, 1997)
    Model Kurt Lewin menjadi acuan pokok atau dasar dari berbagai model action research, terutama classroom action research. Dialah orang pertama yang memperkenalkan action research. Konsep pokok action research menurut Kurt Lewin terdiri dari empat komponen, yaitu : (1) perencanaan (planning), (2) tindakan (acting), (3) pengamatan (observing), dan (4) refleksi (reflecting). Hubungan keempat komponen itu dipandang sebagai satu siklus.
Model Kemmis & Taggart merupakan pengembangan dari konsep dasar yang diperkenalkan Kurt lewin seperti yang diuraikan di atas, hanya saja komponen acting dan observing dijadikan satu kesatuan karena keduanya merupakan tindakan yang tidak terpisahkan, terjadi dalam waktu yang sama.
     Menurut Stephen Kemmis seperti dikutip D. Hopkins dalam bukunya yang berjudul A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research, menyatakan bahwa action research adalah: a from of self-reflektif inquiry undertaken by participants in a social (including education) situation in order to improve the rationality and of (a) their own social or educational practices justice (b) their understanding of these practices, and (c) the situastions in which practices are carried out.
    Hopkins, David. 1992. A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research. 2ed. Open University Press, Philadelphia.
     Gwyn (2002) mengatakan PTK merupakanmetode penel it ian yang dil akukan pendidik untuk menemukan apa yang terbaik bagipembelajaran dalam sebuah kelas agar pembelajaran di kelas itu memberikan hasil terbaik.
       Creswell (2008: 597) menegaskan bahwa PTK adalah sebuah prosedur sistematis yang digunakan guru (atau individu lain dalam konteks pendidikan) untuk menjaring data kuantitatif dan kualitatif dalam rangka memperbaiki komponen-komponen pendidikan, seperti teknik pengajaran guru atau proses pembelajaran siswa.
      Nunan, D. (1990). Action research in the language classroom. In J. Richards & D. Nunan (Eds.), Second language teacher education (pp. 62-81). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
      Classroom Action Research is the process through which the teachers collaborate in evaluating their practice jointly; raise awareness of their personal theory; articulate a shared conception of values; tryout new strategies to render the values expressed in their practice more consistent with the educational values they espouse; record their work in a form which is readily available to and understandable by other teachers; and thus develop a shared theory of teaching by researching practice (John Elliot)
       Penelitian tindakan merupakan intervensi praktik dunia nyata yang ditujukan untuk meningkatkan situasi praktis. Tentu penelitian tindakan yang dilakukan oleh guru ditujukan untuk meningkatkan situasi pembelajaran yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya dan ia disebut ’penelitian tindakan kelas’ atau PTK. (Prof. Dr. Suwarsih Madya)
      Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) merupakan suatu pencermatan terhadap kegiatan belajar berupa sebuah tindakan yang sengaja dimunculkan dan terjadi dalam sebuah kelas secara bersama. (Penelitian Tindakan, by Pror.Suharsimi Arikunto,dkk.)
      Classroom Action Research is an activity undertaken by teachers to improve their performance and teaching skills in the classroom. They do it by evaluating their teaching approaches and then making improvements. By doing this repeatedly, they should improve their performance and skills. (Training in Applicative Classroom Action Research)

Experimental Study Design

0 Comments Posted By: Denny Dixie On 06.35

       An experimental study is a type of evaluation that seeks to determine whether a program or intervention had the intended causal effect on program participants. There are three key components of an experimental study design: (1) pre-post test design, (2) a treatment group and a control group, and (3) random assignment of study participants.
       A pre-post test design requires that you collect data on study participants’ level of performance before the intervention took place (pre-), and that you collect the same data on where study participants are after the intervention took place (post). This design is the best way to be sure that your intervention had a causal effect.
       To get the true effects of the program or intervention, it is necessary to have both a treatment group and a control group. As the name suggests, the treatment group receives the intervention. The control group, however, gets the business-as-usual conditions, meaning they only receive interventions that they would have gotten if they had not participated in the study. By having both a group that received the intervention and another group that did not, researchers control for the possibility that other factors not related to the intervention (e.g., students getting accustomed to a test, or simple maturation over the intervening time) are responsible for the difference between the pre-test and post-test results. It is also important that both the treatment group and the control group are of adequate size to be able to determine whether an effect took place or not. While the size of the sample ought to be determined by specific scientific methods, a general rule of thumb is that each group ought to have at least 30 participants.

       Finally, it is important to make sure that both the treatment group and the control group are statistically similar. While no two groups will ever be exactly alike, the best way to be sure that they are as close as possible is having a random assignment of the study participants into the treatment group and control group. By randomly assigning participants, you can be sure that any difference between the treatment group and control group is due to chance alone, and not by a selection bias.

MEN will bend over backwards to grant her idol. There is a sense of pride, satisfaction, while happy to find her lover smiled sweetly and gave him a kiss affectionately.
How often do you walk to the mall with the beloved? How many times did she react pleased to see the items in all shops by saying, "Jeez, it's funny clothes?" Women often say things, including things he likes to you. Beyond that, he hopes you will buy items for him.
However, you men do not easily believe it in the words of a woman. AskMen found two things that are often said to be women to men, but he was not entirely expected.
"I love you what is"
Women often say that he really liked you are. Basically, a woman loved a man who can take care of themselves, caring, good-looking, clean, and fragrant. Maybe you're not a metrosexual man who has always cast a perfume and fashionable in appearance. But you recall, he's never said that he likes you what it is. Try to prove your sincerity his words.How, when you walk alone and ran into a man whose body is fragrant, neat, and clean, see if the tail of his eye glanced at him or not. If so, you need to slightly alter the appearance to surprise her with what she expected. Not change the character himself, but good fun lovers will have an impact on relationships.
"I just liked the nice guys"
Not all women like men who entirely a man "doing good". Apparently, according to some women, men are much more interesting bit naughty. Some women feel that men are a little naughty to make his life more challenging and not boring. So, it would not hurt if you acted occasionally mischievous. Not that naughty with another woman, but make yourself a bit mysterious in front of him as a surprise, for example suddenly pulled over and kissed her lips.

Five ways to use facebook to promote your site, tips to promote your blog or site using facebook. Facebook has taken social networking by storm over the past three years , growing to become one of the most used sites on the Internet, both from a new user point of view and a returning visitor rate as well.
Facebook brings together many millions of people who all connect, share information, photos, events and pretty much everything about their lives, whether they mean to or not.
In the same way you can connect to friends, you can also use Facebook as a great way to promote your business or website because the power that Facebook can offer you in terms of exposure is almost second to none when it comes to the potential that this site can offer to you.
The following top five tips or ways of utilising Facebook that will help you to promote your business or website/blog.
Set Up A Facebook Page
Facebook pages can be an amazing tool if you utilise them correctly. You can start to build up a "fan" base of people who are interested in your product who will like your page and therefore get information instantly when you add any new posts, photos, discussions or events to your page.
This means that not only does your post go onto the people who like your page walls, but then any of their friends could also see this, allowing you to spread the word to thousands more people just by growing your like
Tell Your Friends, Colleagues, Loved Ones And Anyone Who Will Listen
As mentioned above, its time to tell all of your trusted and not so trusted friends and contacts on Facebook about your page.
The more people you tell, the more people will start seeing your posts every time you add them, meaning that you can
really get some excellent exposure from just a small pool of friends, as long as they have many more friends on their lists.
Build Up Your Likes
The more likes you have, the more your business page or general page will get exposure, as the things that you post and promote will start to get spread across many
peoples Facebook walls and profiles.
This means its important to really only add good content to your Facebook page, things like adding your blog RSS feed and adding solid articles and noteworthy information.
Join Related Groups
On the same line as pages, groups are a great way to find other people who are interested in the same things that you are.
For example, if you enjoy playing Fifa 11, you simply type into your search box "Fifa 11" and then take a look at all the groups and pages. You can then join these groups and join in the discussions which can then lead to you promoting your related product.
Don't just go storming in and start making loads of posts about what you are offering, as this will simply lead to either being blocked or becoming known as a spammer!
Use Facebook Advertising
Although we find the Facebook Advertising slightly more expensive than other cost per click models, the
demographics you can place on your advertising is second to none.
For example, if you wanted to appeal to 30 - 50 year olds who live within 20 miles of your postcode and were interested in dancing, Facebook allows you to do this. Because of the data they collect about you as you are using Facebook, they can then really make sure that you can target any advertising very close to your perfect audience, which is not really rivaled elsewhere as of yet.
It is true to say that using Facebook to promote anything is hard work. You have to really work at your page, improve it on a daily basis and keep adding good content to keep not only the people who like your page happy but to also attract new ones.
If you are prepared to do the leg work, there is no doubt that this social networking site can drive extra traffic and sales to any business or website.
The tips mentioned above was originally written based on an email I received from The Author's name is Ian Spencer. He works for Clear Web Services, a SEO Web Optimisation and Web Design company serving the Forest Of Dean, Gloucestershire and South Wales. He has worked in the SEO and Internet Marketing world for many years, and working in partnership with another company has launched the new SEO business
Actually, I haven't tried it yet to promote my blog. As recently I rarely use facebook to connect with friends. But, just for your reference, you may need the tips to promote your website or blog to your friends or other millions of people who all have been connected in facebook.

Facebook has taken social networking by storm over the past three years , growing to become one of the most used sites on the Internet, both from a new user point of view and a returning visitor rate as well.
Facebook brings together many millions of people who all connect, share information, photos, events and pretty much everything about their lives, whether they mean to or not.
In the same way you can connect to friends, you can also use Facebook as a great way to promote your business or website because the power that Facebook can offer you in terms of exposure is almost second to none when it comes to the potential that this site can offer to you.
The following top five tips or ways of utilising Facebook that will help you to promote your business or website/blog.
Set Up A Facebook Page
Facebook pages can be an amazing tool if you utilise them correctly. You can start to build up a "fan" base of people who are interested in your product who will like your page and therefore get information instantly when you add any new posts, photos, discussions or events to your page.
This means that not only does your post go onto the people who like your page walls, but then any of their friends could also see this, allowing you to spread the word to thousands more people just by growing your like
Tell Your Friends, Colleagues, Loved Ones And Anyone Who Will Listen
As mentioned above, its time to tell all of your trusted and not so trusted friends and contacts on Facebook about your page.
The more people you tell, the more people will start seeing your posts every time you add them, meaning that you can
really get some excellent exposure from just a small pool of friends, as long as they have many more friends on their lists.
Build Up Your Likes
The more likes you have, the more your business page or general page will get exposure, as the things that you post and promote will start to get spread across many
peoples Facebook walls and profiles.
This means its important to really only add good content to your Facebook page, things like adding your blog RSS feed and adding solid articles and noteworthy information.
Join Related Groups
On the same line as pages, groups are a great way to find other people who are interested in the same things that you are.
For example, if you enjoy playing Fifa 11, you simply type into your search box "Fifa 11" and then take a look at all the groups and pages. You can then join these groups and join in the discussions which can then lead to you promoting your related product.
Don't just go storming in and start making loads of posts about what you are offering, as this will simply lead to either being blocked or becoming known as a spammer!
Use Facebook Advertising
Although we find the Facebook Advertising slightly more expensive than other cost per click models, the
demographics you can place on your advertising is second to none.
For example, if you wanted to appeal to 30 - 50 year olds who live within 20 miles of your postcode and were interested in dancing, Facebook allows you to do this. Because of the data they collect about you as you are using Facebook, they can then really make sure that you can target any advertising very close to your perfect audience, which is not really rivaled elsewhere as of yet.
It is true to say that using Facebook to promote anything is hard work. You have to really work at your page, improve it on a daily basis and keep adding good content to keep not only the people who like your page happy but to also attract new ones.
If you are prepared to do the leg work, there is no doubt that this social networking site can drive extra traffic and sales to any business or website.
The tips mentioned above was originally written based on an email I received from The Author's name is Ian Spencer. He works for Clear Web Services, a SEO Web Optimisation and Web Design company serving the Forest Of Dean, Gloucestershire and South Wales. He has worked in the SEO and Internet Marketing world for many years, and working in partnership with another company has launched the new SEO business
Actually, I haven't tried it yet to promote my blog. As recently I rarely use facebook to connect with friends. But, just for your reference, you may need the tips to promote your website or blog to your friends or other millions of people who all have been connected in facebook.

Facebook has taken social networking by storm over the past three years , growing to become one of the most used sites on the Internet, both from a new user point of view and a returning visitor rate as well.
Facebook brings together many millions of people who all connect, share information, photos, events and pretty much everything about their lives, whether they mean to or not.
In the same way you can connect to friends, you can also use Facebook as a great way to promote your business or website because the power that Facebook can offer you in terms of exposure is almost second to none when it comes to the potential that this site can offer to you.
The following top five tips or ways of utilizing Facebook that will help you to promote your business or website/blog.
Set Up A Facebook Page
Facebook pages can be an amazing tool if you utilize them correctly. You can start to build up a "fan" base of people who are interested in your product who will like your page and therefore get information instantly when you add any new posts, photos, discussions or events to your page.
This means that not only does your post go onto the people who like your page walls, but then any of their friends could also see this, allowing you to spread the word to thousands more people just by growing your like
Tell Your Friends, Colleagues, Loved Ones And Anyone Who Will Listen
As mentioned above, its time to tell all of your trusted and not so trusted friends and contacts on Facebook about your page.
The more people you tell, the more people will start seeing your posts every time you add them, meaning that you can
really get some excellent exposure from just a small pool of friends, as long as they have many more friends on their lists.
Build Up Your Likes
The more likes you have, the more your business page or general page will get exposure, as the things that you post and promote will start to get spread across many
peoples Facebook walls and profiles.
This means its important to really only add good content to your Facebook page, things like adding your blog RSS feed and adding solid articles and noteworthy information.
Join Related Groups
On the same line as pages, groups are a great way to find other people who are interested in the same things that you are.
For example, if you enjoy playing Fifa 11, you simply type into your search box "Fifa 11" and then take a look at all the groups and pages. You can then join these groups and join in the discussions which can then lead to you promoting your related product.
Don't just go storming in and start making loads of posts about what you are offering, as this will simply lead to either being blocked or becoming known as a spammer!
Use Facebook Advertising
Although we find the Facebook Advertising slightly more expensive than other cost per click models, the
demographics you can place on your advertising is second to none.
For example, if you wanted to appeal to 30 - 50 year old who live within 20 miles of your postcode and were interested in dancing, Facebook allows you to do this. Because of the data they collect about you as you are using Facebook, they can then really make sure that you can target any advertising very close to your perfect audience, which is not really rivaled elsewhere as of yet.
It is true to say that using Facebook to promote anything is hard work. You have to really work at your page, improve it on a daily basis and keep adding good content to keep not only the people who like your page happy but to also attract new ones.
If you are prepared to do the leg work, there is no doubt that this social networking site can drive extra traffic and sales to any business or website.
The tips mentioned above was originally written based on an email I received from The Author's name is Ian Spencer. He works for Clear Web Services, a SEO Web Optimization and Web Design company serving the Forest Of Dean, Gloucestershire and South Wales. He has worked in the SEO and Internet Marketing world for many years, and working in partnership with another company has launched the new SEO business
Actually, I haven't tried it yet to promote my blog. As recently I rarely use facebook to connect with friends. But, just for your reference, you may need the tips to promote your website or blog to your friends or other millions of people who all have been connected in facebook.

Techniques Jarimatika (finger)

1) Addition and Reduction

Right hand and left hand as a unit as tens.

Right Hand:
- Index finger opens = 1
- (Index finger middle finger) opened = 2
- (Middle finger index finger ring finger) opened = 3
- (Middle finger index finger ring finger little finger) opened = 4
- (Middle finger index finger ring finger little finger) Thumb closed opened = 5
- (Thumb index finger) opened = 6
- (Thumb forefinger middle finger) opened = 7
- (Thumb forefinger middle finger ring finger) opened = 8
- (Thumb forefinger middle finger ring finger little finger) opened = 9

Left Hand:
- Forefinger opened = 10
- (Index finger middle finger) opened = 20
- (Middle finger index finger ring finger) opened = 30
- (Middle finger index finger ring finger little finger) opened = 40
- (Middle finger index finger ring finger little finger) Thumb closed opened = 50
- (Thumb index finger) opened = 60
- (Thumb forefinger middle finger) opened = 70
- (Thumb forefinger middle finger ring finger) opened = 80
- (Thumb forefinger middle finger ring finger little finger) opened = 90

2) Multiplication and Division


3) Addition and Reduction

Common terms:
ADDED = UP finger
LESS = DOWN finger

To increase the number under 5 with no more than 10 results, simply operate the right hand only (UNITS)

- 1 1 = 2 = raise your index finger; raise your middle finger
- 1 2 = 3 = raise your index finger; raise your middle finger; raises Jari Manis
- 1 4 = 5 = raise your index finger; raise the thumb; lower the index finger again
because 4 is 5 (Thumb UP) subtract 1 (DOWN index finger) so that the above equation becomes:
1 4 =
1 (5-1) =
A 5-1 =
Thumbs UP UP DOWN index finger index finger =
5 =

- 5 1 = 6 = RIDE UP thumb index finger
- 5 2 = 7 = Thumbs UP UP UP Forefinger Central
- 5 3 = 8 = Thumbs UP Central UP UP UP Forefinger Sweet
- 5 4 = 9 = RIDE UP thumb forefinger Central UP UP UP Sweet little finger

Sources: Wikibooks


English in Indonesia is generally taught as a foreign language. The term 'foreign language' in the field of language teaching is different from the 'second language'. Foreign language is a language that is not used as a communication tool in a particular country where the language is taught. While second language is a language that is not the primary language but became one of the languages ​​used in general in a country.
For example, English in Singapore is a second language. Mass media, communication, and conversation in the country often use the English language.
While foreign languages ​​are usually taught as one subject in the school with the goal of communicating as well as master four basic language skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking) in that language within certain limits.
In Indonesia, the policy of teaching English as a foreign language change over time and change of policies that most influence economic and political.
For more details, let us learn the history of English in Indonesia ...
During the war with the Dutch, English is taught in MULO (Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs) which is equivalent to junior high and AMS (Algemeene Middlebare School) which is equivalent to high school.
At this time, other than Dutch children, only certain indigenous people who are able and allowed to attend school in MULO and AMS. Most of the common indigenous children attended school only until the level is equivalent to elementary time now.
These conditions also influence the teaching of English.
And make no mistake, the condition of schools in the Dutch period is supposedly very good. The teachers got a big salary, inadequate teaching materials, teaching and examination system and highly qualified. Naturally, since most of the school is just the wealthy, privileged, or child of the Dutch.
Graduates MULO usually able to speak English very well. In addition, they also must master the Dutch language and to select the preferred language learning French or German, as well as local language (Javanese / Malay).
However, comparing the conditions of teaching in schools in the Dutch and now it is not fair, because at that time, schools are elite and luxury is part of the elitisitas.
Age of Japan
During the war with Japan, the opposite occurs. Dutch, British and other European languages ​​used in Indonesia banned totally. All the books that language is destroyed and burned. Sadly, this decision affects the burning book to date, in which very little reference to the history of the Indonesian people have about their own country.
Other side, Japan radically alter the education system, from elitist to egalitarian. All people have school.
In addition, the Japanese language is taught intensively and even target a 'second language' in Indonesia. Plus, during Japan this is a lot of foreign books translated into Indonesian.
Age of Independence
Formally taught English as a foreign language in schools in line with the decision of Indonesia Minister of Education and Culture in 1967.
Since then, changes in ministers, curriculum, political, economic and educational development of science, continue to color the development of teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia.
Starting from the system of teaching in which students are required to memorize a few hundred words and their meanings within a certain time, master the grammar, then changed to the orientation of the English language for communication, to the issue of teaching English to children at this time.
What needs to be noted is the fund billions of dollars spent to organize various trainings, seminars, improving teacher quality, curriculum changes, the provision of laboratory facilities such language to dictionaries and the like. Part of this effort to bring positive results, others are not clear.
Starting from the establishment of an experimental training model is called the Standard Training Course (STC) in Bukit Tinggi and Yogyakarta in the 1950s (important note: funded by the Ford Foundation), and the establishment of Colleges of Teacher Education in Malaysia which then turned into IKIP unfortunate (now Uiversitas Affairs poor), to the International Standard School controversy today.
The problem is, it is said most of the funds used for education projects is derived from foreign loans, and of course, must be returned.
A few notes
In the 1960's, there are two ministries that deal with the problem of education in Indonesia, namely the Minister of Basic Education and Culture and Minister of Higher Education and Science. Unfortunately, the two officials said the two are different views, which tended one another tend to be nationalist left. And this has influenced the development of education in Indonesia.
Political conditions in the late 1960s where communist ideology prevail, make the most of foreign teachers (particularly from western countries) to leave Indonesia, and creating gaps developmental process of education.
Controversy over the teaching of English in Primary Schools. Some parties argue teach English in primary school students will be very good for child development in the future. But on the other hand, differences in social, economic and geo-political regions in Indonesia, creating a difference in school quality and student background, so that there are students who speak English let alone, the Indonesian language they have not mastered the basics well.
English is big business. Millions of dollars flowing into the state English language teaching material producers (USA, UK, Australia) in the form of purchase of audio-visual materials, books, human resources and others.
Assistance from countries mentioned above in the form of English language training projects, scholarships and so is not sincerity. A growing number of English authorities in this country, the easier spread of their ideology and ideology. Plus, economic relations, politics, business, will be easier if done in the same language.
The main problem is; Students learn English in Indonesia without a clear purpose. To communicate? For overseas? for value?
Personal opinion
I personally think, in addition to invigorate the teaching of English as a foreign language, we must also multiply the translation of foreign books into Indonesian. Progress in the can of multiply translated books I personally think it would be much larger than the teaching of English to the people of Indonesia.
Strengthen the love of Indonesian also needs to be done. If the foreigners want to do business here, seeking the advantage here, yes dong business, learn the language here. Period so we should bother to learn their language?
But of course, learning a foreign language it will never be wrong, just that, first question, to what we learn ...

  • A Concise History of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia - Eugenius Sadtono (Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University)
